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Being a celebrity means having the advantage. That advantage is being known by those who do not know you. I strive for this every single day.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Turning a new (web)page

After much thought and consideration, I think it's time for me to blog about more than just Celebs and life in Hollywood. Now don't get me wrong, I still love Us Weekly, E!, and Chelsea but it's been a little difficult to keep up with everything going on because I have been student teaching. There is soooo much more I want to write about and share with all of you, I'm going to tweak the purpose of my blog a little. And since it's my blog, I can do that.

In the past weeks (or months) since I've posted a lot has been going on. I've gone through almost a whole semester of student teaching in the kindergarten and I have to say it has been the most amazing, life changing experience I've ever been through. It's so funny how 20 five-year-olds can drive you completely crazy one day and the next you just want to take them all home with you. I really believe that teaching is what I'm supposed to do and working with these kids has really shown me that. I have some great stories so if you want a good laugh, hit me up! It's amazing how these children have really changed my life. I only have 2 weeks left with them before I get my new placement and I can't even think about it without crying. They are awesome.

This past week was my Thanksgiving break-yes I got a whole week off due to my elementary school's calendar-and I got to enjoy some much needed time at home. I always work when I go home because my boss won't let me quit. I'm serious. I just come and go when I'm home and it has been so nice to pick up some extra cash before the holidays. Being home was a nice break from STW where I have been feeling a little trapped and cagey. I love this town but lately it's been sufficating me a bit. It was nice to go home and have a break from it all and spend some much needed time with my family.

Yesterday I spent my last football game as a student in section 329 with AH cheering on our Cowboys against OU. While we didn't win, I can't say I didn't have a blast screaming and highfiving with all the other students around me. It was a heartbreaking loss but I am proud to call myself a Cowboy.

I'm looking forward to the last month of 2010 with anticipation and excitement. I'll be better about posting and I'm putting my renewal check for Us Weekly in the mail tomorrow so sleep easy tonight knowing my life goal is to still work for E! News.

Peace, Tweets, and Christmas Treats.