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Being a celebrity means having the advantage. That advantage is being known by those who do not know you. I strive for this every single day.

Friday, June 17, 2011

I'm really bad at this

So it's been about 4 months since I've posted anything new on here, which is entirely too long! I spent my last semester at OSU going through some very exciting changes and soaking up every single bit of my last months in STW. The teacher in me is saying that it's much easier to just make a list of things that have happened since you last read. So, here we go.

1. I graduated! Yes it's true, my victory lap finally came to an end. I have to say that I did enjoy my last year at OSU and I learned so much more than I ever thought I would; however, I really missed my SA girls. Luckily I have the best friends in the world and they all made multiple trips to come to Stillwater, including my graduation. I seriously have the best friends ever.

2. I got a job! I cannot believe I found a job at the perfect school. I really could not be any more excited to begin teaching in the fall and start growing my little family of firsties. Here's a sneak peek of Ms. McKnight's 1st grade classroom...

3. I learned a lot about myself. Student teaching was an experience I will never forget. I was tested in ways I never thought that I would be and was emotionally and mentally drained for most of the year. However, I spent a lot of my weekend time reflecting, learning, and planning for what I had going on and what was to come. It's amazing how connected you can get to yourself when you take the time to do it.

4. My little brother graduated HS! That's right, the McKnight household has 2 graduations this year. M and D are doing ok, although both kids are living at home for the time being which hasn't happened in 2 years. August should be interesting.

5. Nature and I acknowledge each other.

There are countless other things that happened and that are going on but I realize my life is not that interesting. I have been contemplating starting a new blog to track my journey from student to teacher so be on the lookout for that. As for the rest of the summer, I'm back at good ol Ed's waiting tables and saving up for my big girl life as well as preparing to move to OKC with my other half Amanda. Exciting things coming up for Ms. McKnight. Yikes. Real world, here I come.