Hey there b's and g's! It's been a little bit but I have a good excuse...I moved! Step 2 (after step 1 of finding a job) was to find the perf apartment in the metro area. My bestie Amanda and I had searched all summer and after a fate-filled 24 hour span of time not only welcomed a 3rd roommate-the lovely Miss Hannah-but also found a wonderful 3-bed/2-bath in OKC! All 3 of us are excited and thrilled to have a spacious apartment in the city and after a month of facebook messaging and tweets of excitement, we finally moved in yesterday. Imagine this: We live in Oklahoma, it's July 27th, 1:00pm, and there's been a state-wide burnban for the entire summer. To say it was a little warm would be an understatement. Tonight is my first night in the new place and after 2 days of moving and rearranging (plus the request of a bff) I decided to share some do's and don'ts for moving day. So here we go:
1. Plan ahead-don't wait until the day before to start talking to your roommates about who has what and what you still need. It made such a different to start talking as soon as we knew we had a place when it came to furniture, appliances, etc.
2.Bring help-whether it's a friend, significant other, family memeber, whoever...BRING SOMEONE. This is not moving out of a dorm! This is real life. It is so helpful to have help when it comes to awkward shaped pieces as well as heavy pieces. Not to mention time efficient and good bonding time. :)
3. Pick rooms before you start unloading-if you know who is getting what room, you can set up and arrange furniture as you go rather than load it all in the living and decide later.
4. Take breaks-especially in the middle of the summer this is crucial! We all took a few minutes to grab a drink, sit down, and cool off between trips. It makes a difference I promise, and also leads me to my next point.
5. Bring drinks/food-loading up a cooler with water and gatorade and packing a bag of snacks will be the best decision you ever made.
6. Sit back and enjoy your work-take the time to sit down, look around, and enjoy the hard work you've done. Moving is hard work! Sitting down to talk about how homey it feels and how great it looks is important.
1. Look cute-this is not the time to put make up on or wear your good clothes. Throw on some workout clothes and consider packing a back up pair in case you sweat through your others (and you will).
2. Sit back and watch everyone else unload your stuff-All 3 of us and our helpers were AMAZING! Everyone helped everyone with their truck loads and it worked out so well.
3. Help your roommates-I promise you it works better if you help them. If trucks just take turns in the spot closest to the door and everyone helps each one unload it goes a million times faster.
4. Do everything in one day-I personally don't even have everything up here yet and our living room in still full of boxes. Do a room a day and you can see instant results. We each did our bedroom yesterday and then today Hannah and Amanda did the kitchen and we all worked on the living/dining this afternoon and evening. As we unpack more boxes it's so much easier to find a place for things because we are doing it a day at a time.
5. Lock yourself out-bc then you'll set your car alarm off and all the neighbors will come outside to see who the new people are. :)
Remember, this is an exciting time! For most it means starting a new journey and living somewhere they haven't before. Take time to sit and talk to your roommates. Go to dinner, shop for new fun things, or just watch tv while all talking about how fun this year is going to be. It will all get done and moved up that flight of stairs I promise. If you have any thoughts, comments, or a do/don't of your own, please share! I'd love to hear about other people's moving day experiences. Happy moving!