Well here we are b's and g's, the time is here. The time that there are officially no residents in 1532. For those of you who haven't been keeping up on my twitter(@maddmck...follow me), 1532 is the apartment that my best friend Amanda (@akhorn) have been living in for the past 2 years and that @hfwood got to experience living in this summer. We moved in almost exactly 24 months ago and tonight is my very last night. I'm still trying to decide how I feel about it.
As I've been packing up my things and cleaning everything out, I've had a lot of time to think. It seems like yesterday that we were hauling everything up the 3 flights of stairs and going to wal mart twice a day and here we are all moved out. Crazy how time flies. So many wonderful things have happened here-birthday parties, kitchen talks, tv watching, boyfriends, dogs, you name it its happened. While we may not have been known for thowing raging parties until all hours of the night (that was apparently 1531's job) we were always here if you ever needed a quiet getaway from all your roommates. You could always come to the tranquil 2 bedroom. I have to say that I will def miss it. As much as I have hated climbing up and down those dang stairs day after day, I have truely loved this place.
Not only does this mark the last night in this apt, it also marks a time when its officially time for me to accept I am a 5th year and am starting a new chapter in my life. I had the pleasure of attending Amanda and Wes Geier's wedding last weekend and enjoy some time with all of my best friends. On the drive home I finally realized this is how it is going to be. Everyone has started the next phase of their life and I am so incredibly excited and proud of each of these girls and cannot wait to see where these roads take them. It's time. Time for life to happen. Am I ready? Nope. Do I accept it excitedly? Yes.
So ends an era. An era that I have been comfortable with for the past 4 years and it's time for me to accept what's happening and do the best I can. I have one goal for this next year: go to Cali, meet a celeb, and start working for E! asap. Doi.
Anything you ever wanted to know about celebrities (in Hollywood or those I know) with my personal opinion on the matter. After all, everyone knows my opinion is the only one that counts.
About Me

- Madison
- Being a celebrity means having the advantage. That advantage is being known by those who do not know you. I strive for this every single day.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
"Big crown I'm gonna win for my mama" -Teeghan

Well b's and g's it's time for my thoughts on a small little thing called pageants, specifically toddler pageants. As Hay and I sit here enjoying our evening full of corndogs, kum & go, and sytycd I realize it's time for my fav TLC show Toddlers & Tiaras. I feel as though I can admit it to you that this is my guilty pleasure. Being a pageant queen myself (Maple Leaf Queen '03 baby) I enjoy the thought of little girls getting all dressed up and being cute on stage. Well folks, if you think that's what this show is about, you are terribly wrong. Todd's & Ti's is more about the mother living vicariously through their young daughters because they're too old-and out of shape-to live out their own shelfish dream. It is just sick.
The first time you watch this show, you'll probably wonder what trailer park all of these families are living in, don't be fooled. That is just the "southern hospitality" that the judges are looking for. If these 1-4 year olds don't have an accent so thick you can't even tell what they're saying then they might as well have forgot their flippers (fake teeth worn by the contestants who are usually missing their baby teeth). Along with the flippers, these babies are expected to get spray tans, full makeup, and hair pieces. This is such a joke.
Another thing about these mothers is that they'd rather their family go in debt than for their children not have a glitz dress. As defined by a coach tonight, a glitz dress is anything with stones on it. Some of these dresses can cost up to $2,000. Are you serious?? That's more than my class this summer is costing my parents. What parent in their right mind would pay 2 grand for a dress PER DRESS and do 3-4 pageants a month. That's around $8,000 a month and that's just the dresses. That doesn't include makeup, tanning, hair extensions, shoes, accessories, the 3 other outfits they need for the show, as well as travel and entry costs. These children are 3 years old and their parents are spending most likely around $10,000 a month on them to do pageants. Seriously? I got my dress at JCPenny's for $20 and it had stones on it. Get it together moms.
I close with a convo actually heard on T & T's tonight:
Crazy mom: "Who's crown is it?"
Brainwashed daughter: "Yours!"
CM: "And who's gonna win it?"
BWD: "Me!"
CM: "You gotta win that crown for mommy because she wants it."
I have nothing else to say.
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