Well it seems as though I've let the public down again. The last couple of week have been absolutely ridic with trying to finish the semester up but it's finally done. Yes, that's right I just finished my senior year of college. I really can't believe it, maybe because I'm about to start my victory lap. Apparently I didn't get enough of good ol' OSU the first 4 years so why not make it an even 5, right?
While I can't say that I was ready to graduate and start my life off in the real world, I can say that I will miss the people I've met the last 4 years that are moving on to the next phase of their life. I've been trying for the past few weeks to think about how I can thank them for everything they've done for me and while I know writing about it isn't the most personal way to do it, I feel as though everyone who reads this should know what my friends have meant to me throughout my time in college.
When I came to OSU, I literally knew 2 people: my cousin and boyfriend at the time. I came from Carthage, Missouri where I had a very tight group of best friends that I'd had throughout my entire childhood. When I got accepted to OSU, I was so excited and knew that while I'd make new friends, the friends I'd had for 10 years previously would still be at home. Then my parents dropped the bomb: we were moving. Yes, that's right, when I would go home for a visit, it would be in a totally different town and state than what I had known for the past decade of my life. While at first I embraced this new phase of my life, I soon realized I knew no one and really grew sort of bitter about it. To make a very long story short, I hated college my freshman year and wanted nothing more than to move back to Missouri and go to school there.
My sophomore year was a totally different story. I approached it with a positive attitude and through my sorority and my current roommate, Amanda, began meeting a ton of new people and embracing the life of a college student. Over the next 3 years I would encounter people that would soon become my best friends. I cannot say enough about what Phi Lamb and the people I've met in Chickasha have done for me. That is one of the things I have loved about coming to school in Oklahoma, everyone is so friendly. I never have felt as though it was the people that were making my first year question my decision. I have to say that my junior and senior years of college have been the best years of my life. I have never in my life had the friendships or experiences with people that I have the past 2 years. I really can't believe that it's been 4 years and that it's already time for my best friends to graduate. While some have decided to go to grad school, others move for great job opportunities, and some even getting married! I couldn't be happier to call them my friends and wish them nothing but the best. I'm usually not an emotional person but I really am sad that they are graduating.
Samantha: Thank you for not thinking I was a total nut job when I basically begged you to be my friend. I'm not sure how you put up with me for as long as you did but I wouldn't have wanted to live on the 4th floor of Bennett with anyone else.
Nikki: Thank you for being my crazy "Mexican" friend who I bonded with at our pledge retreat. I always know that no matter how late I'm running, I still won't be the last one there. I love you for that.
Amanda D: Thank you for not judging me when I didn't stay with you the first night at jumpin' Jones. I know I can always count on you to have the most honest and perfect advice in any situation.
Kristen: Thank you for being Kristen ______ Richards! I have enjoyed every second I've known you and know if I ever need to talk Gilmore Girls, I can go to you.
Cash: Thank you for always making me laugh. Anytime I'm in a bad mood when I go to bed, I know there is a possibility I could wake up to a text message sent at 3:00 am that reads "doublecheeseburgerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"
Hayley: Thank you for making summer 09 the best summer of my life. There is never such thing as TMI and I appreciate everything you have done for me and the hours you have been there for me.
And last but not least, Amanda H.: Thank you for being my wonderful roommate for the past 2 years. I can't believe we have never had a single fight as long as we have known each other and I really do consider you my sister. Thank you for sending me that facebook message my freshman year and inviting me to Chili's. You have no idea what your friendship has meant to me and I am so thankful that you extended your friendship toward me when you didn't even know me. 1532 forever.
Each of you have meant something special to me and I'm so grateful for the time I've known you. I wish you all the best of luck in the next phase of your life and can't wait to see where life take you. I less than 3 you (I <3>
Enough of this mushy stuff. See you at Joe's tonight?

This really is a great group of girls. I'm lucky to have known (or at least met) all of you. Good luck with everything that all of you do, I'll miss Thursday nights at Joe's and all of the craziness that ensued.
Your comment really touched me the first time I read it. Not only the part where you finally apologized for being antisocial and scaring me on our first night to live together, but moreso the sentence afterward. I love you!