Happy New Year b's and g's! I cannot believe it's already 2011. I hope that you all had a wonderful NYE and are all finally recovered. I spent the weekend getting my little Kelsey married off to a wonderful man. It was one of the most beautiful weddings I have been to and I found myself feeling very blessed to have the people in my life that I do. I'm not usually the sentimental type but the feeling of love was so obvious I couldn't help but be thankful for the people I've met in the past four years of college.
For those of you that don't know, this is the year that I finally graduate from OSU. I have seriously enjoyed my time here but I'm ready to embark on my new journey. Starting on Monday I will be in my last student teaching semester at Sangre Ridge in the 1st grade. I am really looking forward to another great semester and cannot wait to meet my new classroom of students. I find myself searching sales and $1 aisles at the store to start building my very own classroom. I've decided to set some goals for myself so I'm not scrambling at the last minute and hope to have a job set by June 30. For a teacher this is pretty lofty but I have faith that things will work out.
I've also decided to do sort of a life cleanse. I've done some real thinking and decided to eleminate people and relationships from my life that don't make me a better person. While I am very grateful for every experience I've had in life, I think it's time to let some things go and look toward the future. I've realized that I'll be 23 in April and will start my real career in less than a year and it's time to start embracing the kind of person I want to be in the long run. It will def be challenging but I'm ready for it. I started last night by deleting about 40 people from my phone. I mean why was I holding on to the ex boyfriend from high school or the girl I did one group project with? I have no idea. Time to let go and move on.
I challenge all of you to look toward the new year with a new sense of self. I know many of you have taken on new adventures and I'm looking forward to doing the same. I started off the year with some really wonderful friends I haven't spent enough time with and I plan to remind myself how lucky I am for the family and friends I have been blessed with. Next on the list? A trip to Dallas in 9 days to see some of my very best friends. 2011 will be a year to remember, I can promise you that.
"Should auld acquaintance be forgot?
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne?"
Yes, I think that it's about that time.
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