Are you there Hollywood? It's me, Madison
Anything you ever wanted to know about celebrities (in Hollywood or those I know) with my personal opinion on the matter. After all, everyone knows my opinion is the only one that counts.
About Me

- Madison
- Being a celebrity means having the advantage. That advantage is being known by those who do not know you. I strive for this every single day.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
It's seriously been a year
B's and g's...
I cannot believe it has seriously been a YEAR since I last posted. So much has happened I can't even hit all the high points. I will just say the past year has been the most challenging, rewarding, emotional, amazing year of my life. I successfully survived my first year of teaching! I can't believe at this time 12 months ago I had just officially signed my paperwork and now I'm on summer vacation. I was blessed with the best first year class and can't believe how fast my little babies grew up! I know I sound like a mom but I am so so proud of my firsties. They all grew (literally) so much over the past 9 months. They all came in with baby teeth and left with either holes or adult teeth. So crazy.
I wore many hats over the past few months. Doctor, dentist, counselor, secretary, teacher, mother, nurse, just to name a few. I swear I wanted to blog and update you guys at every instant but y'all...I became an adult! Trying to juggle paperwork, the kids, family, my relationship, and not stay sick was such a chore! Never in my life have I been more exhausted! As hard as it was and as many nights I spent wide awake planning, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I learned so much from my babies and will always remember my very first class.
This summer is going to be such a busy, fun-filled one and since I decided to not get a job (PTL for a 12 month paycheck) I will def keep you updated. I have so much exciting news to share but you will have to stay tuned to find out what it is. Until then, I hope you all are enjoying your 3 day weekend. Happy Summer!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Moving day!
Hey there b's and g's! It's been a little bit but I have a good excuse...I moved! Step 2 (after step 1 of finding a job) was to find the perf apartment in the metro area. My bestie Amanda and I had searched all summer and after a fate-filled 24 hour span of time not only welcomed a 3rd roommate-the lovely Miss Hannah-but also found a wonderful 3-bed/2-bath in OKC! All 3 of us are excited and thrilled to have a spacious apartment in the city and after a month of facebook messaging and tweets of excitement, we finally moved in yesterday. Imagine this: We live in Oklahoma, it's July 27th, 1:00pm, and there's been a state-wide burnban for the entire summer. To say it was a little warm would be an understatement. Tonight is my first night in the new place and after 2 days of moving and rearranging (plus the request of a bff) I decided to share some do's and don'ts for moving day. So here we go:
1. Plan ahead-don't wait until the day before to start talking to your roommates about who has what and what you still need. It made such a different to start talking as soon as we knew we had a place when it came to furniture, appliances, etc.
2.Bring help-whether it's a friend, significant other, family memeber, whoever...BRING SOMEONE. This is not moving out of a dorm! This is real life. It is so helpful to have help when it comes to awkward shaped pieces as well as heavy pieces. Not to mention time efficient and good bonding time. :)
3. Pick rooms before you start unloading-if you know who is getting what room, you can set up and arrange furniture as you go rather than load it all in the living and decide later.
4. Take breaks-especially in the middle of the summer this is crucial! We all took a few minutes to grab a drink, sit down, and cool off between trips. It makes a difference I promise, and also leads me to my next point.
5. Bring drinks/food-loading up a cooler with water and gatorade and packing a bag of snacks will be the best decision you ever made.
6. Sit back and enjoy your work-take the time to sit down, look around, and enjoy the hard work you've done. Moving is hard work! Sitting down to talk about how homey it feels and how great it looks is important.
1. Look cute-this is not the time to put make up on or wear your good clothes. Throw on some workout clothes and consider packing a back up pair in case you sweat through your others (and you will).
2. Sit back and watch everyone else unload your stuff-All 3 of us and our helpers were AMAZING! Everyone helped everyone with their truck loads and it worked out so well.
3. Help your roommates-I promise you it works better if you help them. If trucks just take turns in the spot closest to the door and everyone helps each one unload it goes a million times faster.
4. Do everything in one day-I personally don't even have everything up here yet and our living room in still full of boxes. Do a room a day and you can see instant results. We each did our bedroom yesterday and then today Hannah and Amanda did the kitchen and we all worked on the living/dining this afternoon and evening. As we unpack more boxes it's so much easier to find a place for things because we are doing it a day at a time.
5. Lock yourself out-bc then you'll set your car alarm off and all the neighbors will come outside to see who the new people are. :)
Remember, this is an exciting time! For most it means starting a new journey and living somewhere they haven't before. Take time to sit and talk to your roommates. Go to dinner, shop for new fun things, or just watch tv while all talking about how fun this year is going to be. It will all get done and moved up that flight of stairs I promise. If you have any thoughts, comments, or a do/don't of your own, please share! I'd love to hear about other people's moving day experiences. Happy moving!
1. Plan ahead-don't wait until the day before to start talking to your roommates about who has what and what you still need. It made such a different to start talking as soon as we knew we had a place when it came to furniture, appliances, etc.
2.Bring help-whether it's a friend, significant other, family memeber, whoever...BRING SOMEONE. This is not moving out of a dorm! This is real life. It is so helpful to have help when it comes to awkward shaped pieces as well as heavy pieces. Not to mention time efficient and good bonding time. :)
3. Pick rooms before you start unloading-if you know who is getting what room, you can set up and arrange furniture as you go rather than load it all in the living and decide later.
4. Take breaks-especially in the middle of the summer this is crucial! We all took a few minutes to grab a drink, sit down, and cool off between trips. It makes a difference I promise, and also leads me to my next point.
5. Bring drinks/food-loading up a cooler with water and gatorade and packing a bag of snacks will be the best decision you ever made.
6. Sit back and enjoy your work-take the time to sit down, look around, and enjoy the hard work you've done. Moving is hard work! Sitting down to talk about how homey it feels and how great it looks is important.
1. Look cute-this is not the time to put make up on or wear your good clothes. Throw on some workout clothes and consider packing a back up pair in case you sweat through your others (and you will).
2. Sit back and watch everyone else unload your stuff-All 3 of us and our helpers were AMAZING! Everyone helped everyone with their truck loads and it worked out so well.
3. Help your roommates-I promise you it works better if you help them. If trucks just take turns in the spot closest to the door and everyone helps each one unload it goes a million times faster.
4. Do everything in one day-I personally don't even have everything up here yet and our living room in still full of boxes. Do a room a day and you can see instant results. We each did our bedroom yesterday and then today Hannah and Amanda did the kitchen and we all worked on the living/dining this afternoon and evening. As we unpack more boxes it's so much easier to find a place for things because we are doing it a day at a time.
5. Lock yourself out-bc then you'll set your car alarm off and all the neighbors will come outside to see who the new people are. :)
Remember, this is an exciting time! For most it means starting a new journey and living somewhere they haven't before. Take time to sit and talk to your roommates. Go to dinner, shop for new fun things, or just watch tv while all talking about how fun this year is going to be. It will all get done and moved up that flight of stairs I promise. If you have any thoughts, comments, or a do/don't of your own, please share! I'd love to hear about other people's moving day experiences. Happy moving!
Friday, June 17, 2011
I'm really bad at this
So it's been about 4 months since I've posted anything new on here, which is entirely too long! I spent my last semester at OSU going through some very exciting changes and soaking up every single bit of my last months in STW. The teacher in me is saying that it's much easier to just make a list of things that have happened since you last read. So, here we go.
1. I graduated! Yes it's true, my victory lap finally came to an end. I have to say that I did enjoy my last year at OSU and I learned so much more than I ever thought I would; however, I really missed my SA girls. Luckily I have the best friends in the world and they all made multiple trips to come to Stillwater, including my graduation. I seriously have the best friends ever.

2. I got a job! I cannot believe I found a job at the perfect school. I really could not be any more excited to begin teaching in the fall and start growing my little family of firsties. Here's a sneak peek of Ms. McKnight's 1st grade classroom...
3. I learned a lot about myself. Student teaching was an experience I will never forget. I was tested in ways I never thought that I would be and was emotionally and mentally drained for most of the year. However, I spent a lot of my weekend time reflecting, learning, and planning for what I had going on and what was to come. It's amazing how connected you can get to yourself when you take the time to do it.
4. My little brother graduated HS! That's right, the McKnight household has 2 graduations this year. M and D are doing ok, although both kids are living at home for the time being which hasn't happened in 2 years. August should be interesting.
5. Nature and I acknowledge each other.
There are countless other things that happened and that are going on but I realize my life is not that interesting. I have been contemplating starting a new blog to track my journey from student to teacher so be on the lookout for that. As for the rest of the summer, I'm back at good ol Ed's waiting tables and saving up for my big girl life as well as preparing to move to OKC with my other half Amanda. Exciting things coming up for Ms. McKnight. Yikes. Real world, here I come.
1. I graduated! Yes it's true, my victory lap finally came to an end. I have to say that I did enjoy my last year at OSU and I learned so much more than I ever thought I would; however, I really missed my SA girls. Luckily I have the best friends in the world and they all made multiple trips to come to Stillwater, including my graduation. I seriously have the best friends ever.

2. I got a job! I cannot believe I found a job at the perfect school. I really could not be any more excited to begin teaching in the fall and start growing my little family of firsties. Here's a sneak peek of Ms. McKnight's 1st grade classroom...
3. I learned a lot about myself. Student teaching was an experience I will never forget. I was tested in ways I never thought that I would be and was emotionally and mentally drained for most of the year. However, I spent a lot of my weekend time reflecting, learning, and planning for what I had going on and what was to come. It's amazing how connected you can get to yourself when you take the time to do it.
4. My little brother graduated HS! That's right, the McKnight household has 2 graduations this year. M and D are doing ok, although both kids are living at home for the time being which hasn't happened in 2 years. August should be interesting.
5. Nature and I acknowledge each other.
There are countless other things that happened and that are going on but I realize my life is not that interesting. I have been contemplating starting a new blog to track my journey from student to teacher so be on the lookout for that. As for the rest of the summer, I'm back at good ol Ed's waiting tables and saving up for my big girl life as well as preparing to move to OKC with my other half Amanda. Exciting things coming up for Ms. McKnight. Yikes. Real world, here I come.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Aprons aren't just for cooking
So as many of you know, I am in my last stretch on my road to becoming a teacher. I think that it is very important to join a community of other educators and pool your resources in order to better the education of children. Over the past five years I've met a lot of really amazing future teachers, one of them being Miss Claire Knight. Miss Knight has just started a blog discussing her adventures in student teaching. I hope to do this when I have my own classroom but I love Claire's idea to start one now.
While I was looking at her blog last night, she posted something that caught my eye. She has been working on creating teacher aprons to ease the running of a classroom. Many times teachers need pens, post-its, markers, kid sticks, tape, etc but it's not convient to stop what you're doing and go get it. Her apron provides pockets for all of these teacher essentials and they are super cute! I would have never thought of this but it's a really great idea.
Miss Knight is giving away two of these aprons to two lucky readers and you can find out all about her giveaway here. I hope that you all take time to read about her adventures in the teacher world. And kudos to Claire for her amazing idea!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Bring it on 2011
Happy New Year b's and g's! I cannot believe it's already 2011. I hope that you all had a wonderful NYE and are all finally recovered. I spent the weekend getting my little Kelsey married off to a wonderful man. It was one of the most beautiful weddings I have been to and I found myself feeling very blessed to have the people in my life that I do. I'm not usually the sentimental type but the feeling of love was so obvious I couldn't help but be thankful for the people I've met in the past four years of college.
For those of you that don't know, this is the year that I finally graduate from OSU. I have seriously enjoyed my time here but I'm ready to embark on my new journey. Starting on Monday I will be in my last student teaching semester at Sangre Ridge in the 1st grade. I am really looking forward to another great semester and cannot wait to meet my new classroom of students. I find myself searching sales and $1 aisles at the store to start building my very own classroom. I've decided to set some goals for myself so I'm not scrambling at the last minute and hope to have a job set by June 30. For a teacher this is pretty lofty but I have faith that things will work out.
I've also decided to do sort of a life cleanse. I've done some real thinking and decided to eleminate people and relationships from my life that don't make me a better person. While I am very grateful for every experience I've had in life, I think it's time to let some things go and look toward the future. I've realized that I'll be 23 in April and will start my real career in less than a year and it's time to start embracing the kind of person I want to be in the long run. It will def be challenging but I'm ready for it. I started last night by deleting about 40 people from my phone. I mean why was I holding on to the ex boyfriend from high school or the girl I did one group project with? I have no idea. Time to let go and move on.
I challenge all of you to look toward the new year with a new sense of self. I know many of you have taken on new adventures and I'm looking forward to doing the same. I started off the year with some really wonderful friends I haven't spent enough time with and I plan to remind myself how lucky I am for the family and friends I have been blessed with. Next on the list? A trip to Dallas in 9 days to see some of my very best friends. 2011 will be a year to remember, I can promise you that.
"Should auld acquaintance be forgot?
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne?"
Yes, I think that it's about that time.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?
Well friends, it's that time of year. The time where people think of others more than themselves and give gifts to show how much they care about someone. Apparently this year people are giving the gift of being single more than ever and using the "You're better off without me" speech as a replacement of giving a nice fruit basket. Yes, that's right. The Hollywood breakup epidemic has hit.
Over the last month many of the big name celeb couples have headed straight for single city despite the fact these were some of the couples that were thought to be the most solid in Hollywood. Here's the run down:
1. Courtney Cox & David Arquette: After 11 years of marriage, the couple split despite having 6-year-old daughter Coco. Apparently David was still too wild and crazy and didn't want to settle down. Obvi he wasn't aware that Court was the very best he was ever going to do.
2. Christina Aguilera & Jordan Bratman: The couple was married for five years and have a two year old son, Max. According to Christina, they were having trouble at home and she didn't want it to turn into something that would eventually harm Max. Apparently she was unaware that dating before her divorce was final will also have some harmful effects on her son. Mom of the year?
3. Eva Longoria & Tony Parker: The two were married for four years and in a surprise turn of events, rumors were and still are swirling around about Tony cheating with a teammates wife. Is he really unaware that he is married to EVA LONGORIA? Idiot.
4. Vanessa Hudgens & Zac Efron: While the two were never married, the High School Musical costars dated for five years. They split this week after a Thanksgiving trip to Hawaii to try to make it work. According to reports, the split was mutual and hope to remain friends. Yeah, that always works out.
5. Michael C. Hall & Jennifer Carpenter: The two started dating and then married on NYE of 2008. The divorce comes just shy of their two year wedding anniversary unfortunately. Their divorce is more complicated because they play siblings on the hit show Dexter which has just been piked up for a 6th season. Good luck with that.
6. Scarlett Johansson & Ryan Reynolds: People's Sexiest Man Alive and GQ's Babe of the Year split as of yesterday after two years of marriage. The two had been very private in their relationship so the split comes as a surprise. The couple was quoted saying "We entered our relationship with love and it's with love and kindness we leave it." Really? Because I was under the impression that love is why people stayed married. Intersting.
Well there you have it. The top Hollywood breakups just of the last month. There are countless breakups from the year but honestly these are the only ones people care about because they're the big names. So happy holidays ya'll. And look on the brightside, now everyone's favorite hotties are single again. Thank you Santa.
Over the last month many of the big name celeb couples have headed straight for single city despite the fact these were some of the couples that were thought to be the most solid in Hollywood. Here's the run down:
1. Courtney Cox & David Arquette: After 11 years of marriage, the couple split despite having 6-year-old daughter Coco. Apparently David was still too wild and crazy and didn't want to settle down. Obvi he wasn't aware that Court was the very best he was ever going to do.
2. Christina Aguilera & Jordan Bratman: The couple was married for five years and have a two year old son, Max. According to Christina, they were having trouble at home and she didn't want it to turn into something that would eventually harm Max. Apparently she was unaware that dating before her divorce was final will also have some harmful effects on her son. Mom of the year?
3. Eva Longoria & Tony Parker: The two were married for four years and in a surprise turn of events, rumors were and still are swirling around about Tony cheating with a teammates wife. Is he really unaware that he is married to EVA LONGORIA? Idiot.
4. Vanessa Hudgens & Zac Efron: While the two were never married, the High School Musical costars dated for five years. They split this week after a Thanksgiving trip to Hawaii to try to make it work. According to reports, the split was mutual and hope to remain friends. Yeah, that always works out.
5. Michael C. Hall & Jennifer Carpenter: The two started dating and then married on NYE of 2008. The divorce comes just shy of their two year wedding anniversary unfortunately. Their divorce is more complicated because they play siblings on the hit show Dexter which has just been piked up for a 6th season. Good luck with that.
6. Scarlett Johansson & Ryan Reynolds: People's Sexiest Man Alive and GQ's Babe of the Year split as of yesterday after two years of marriage. The two had been very private in their relationship so the split comes as a surprise. The couple was quoted saying "We entered our relationship with love and it's with love and kindness we leave it." Really? Because I was under the impression that love is why people stayed married. Intersting.
Well there you have it. The top Hollywood breakups just of the last month. There are countless breakups from the year but honestly these are the only ones people care about because they're the big names. So happy holidays ya'll. And look on the brightside, now everyone's favorite hotties are single again. Thank you Santa.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Turning a new (web)page
After much thought and consideration, I think it's time for me to blog about more than just Celebs and life in Hollywood. Now don't get me wrong, I still love Us Weekly, E!, and Chelsea but it's been a little difficult to keep up with everything going on because I have been student teaching. There is soooo much more I want to write about and share with all of you, I'm going to tweak the purpose of my blog a little. And since it's my blog, I can do that.
In the past weeks (or months) since I've posted a lot has been going on. I've gone through almost a whole semester of student teaching in the kindergarten and I have to say it has been the most amazing, life changing experience I've ever been through. It's so funny how 20 five-year-olds can drive you completely crazy one day and the next you just want to take them all home with you. I really believe that teaching is what I'm supposed to do and working with these kids has really shown me that. I have some great stories so if you want a good laugh, hit me up! It's amazing how these children have really changed my life. I only have 2 weeks left with them before I get my new placement and I can't even think about it without crying. They are awesome.
This past week was my Thanksgiving break-yes I got a whole week off due to my elementary school's calendar-and I got to enjoy some much needed time at home. I always work when I go home because my boss won't let me quit. I'm serious. I just come and go when I'm home and it has been so nice to pick up some extra cash before the holidays. Being home was a nice break from STW where I have been feeling a little trapped and cagey. I love this town but lately it's been sufficating me a bit. It was nice to go home and have a break from it all and spend some much needed time with my family.
Yesterday I spent my last football game as a student in section 329 with AH cheering on our Cowboys against OU. While we didn't win, I can't say I didn't have a blast screaming and highfiving with all the other students around me. It was a heartbreaking loss but I am proud to call myself a Cowboy.
I'm looking forward to the last month of 2010 with anticipation and excitement. I'll be better about posting and I'm putting my renewal check for Us Weekly in the mail tomorrow so sleep easy tonight knowing my life goal is to still work for E! News.
Peace, Tweets, and Christmas Treats.
In the past weeks (or months) since I've posted a lot has been going on. I've gone through almost a whole semester of student teaching in the kindergarten and I have to say it has been the most amazing, life changing experience I've ever been through. It's so funny how 20 five-year-olds can drive you completely crazy one day and the next you just want to take them all home with you. I really believe that teaching is what I'm supposed to do and working with these kids has really shown me that. I have some great stories so if you want a good laugh, hit me up! It's amazing how these children have really changed my life. I only have 2 weeks left with them before I get my new placement and I can't even think about it without crying. They are awesome.
This past week was my Thanksgiving break-yes I got a whole week off due to my elementary school's calendar-and I got to enjoy some much needed time at home. I always work when I go home because my boss won't let me quit. I'm serious. I just come and go when I'm home and it has been so nice to pick up some extra cash before the holidays. Being home was a nice break from STW where I have been feeling a little trapped and cagey. I love this town but lately it's been sufficating me a bit. It was nice to go home and have a break from it all and spend some much needed time with my family.
Yesterday I spent my last football game as a student in section 329 with AH cheering on our Cowboys against OU. While we didn't win, I can't say I didn't have a blast screaming and highfiving with all the other students around me. It was a heartbreaking loss but I am proud to call myself a Cowboy.
I'm looking forward to the last month of 2010 with anticipation and excitement. I'll be better about posting and I'm putting my renewal check for Us Weekly in the mail tomorrow so sleep easy tonight knowing my life goal is to still work for E! News.
Peace, Tweets, and Christmas Treats.
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