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Being a celebrity means having the advantage. That advantage is being known by those who do not know you. I strive for this every single day.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Thank you Hayley!

First of all I am horrible for waiting almost 2 weeks between posts. I felt as though I needed to take some time off and get back in the blogging mood. I was kind of getting down about it and think I'm ready to get back into it. My bestie Hayley inspired me by giving me this little award! Now I'm supposed to pass it on to other bloggers who I find worthy... so in order not to repeat the same people honored by Hayley I'll choose other friends that we both might have in common (while I think her choices are outstanding). Sydney of A Bare Spool, Amanda D. at Amanda Daniels Photography, Amanda H. of This is the Day, and Stephen's Make Noise, Boys.

Upon receiving this award- post it on your blog, pass it on to other bloggers and then post 7 random things about yourself. So B's and G's here you go:
  1. Gilmore Girls is my favorite show of all time. I plan on naming my first daughter Arora and calling her Rori for short. Dear furture daughter: I'm sorry. Love, Mom
  2. I caught my first bouquet at my little Erin's wedding last Sunday and it totally made my day. I plan on catching both Kali and Kelsey's when they get married someday.
  3. I get my sense of humor from my father. We count it as a blessing, the rest of the family is still trying to figure it out. Ex: I got him a pooping Santa for Christmas. Hayley was confused, my dad put it on his desk at work.
  4. I love nothing more than to hear a good song and sing it as loud as I can in the car...if for no other reason than to make the other people in the car laugh.
  5. As much as I hated moving to Chickasha 3 1/2 years ago, it is one of the best things my parents have done for my family. My brother and I have made some of our best friends here.
  6. I love when it snows.
  7. If given the choice between facebook and twitter...I would now choose twitter in a heartbeat. Thank you @hfwood for making me a twitter lover.

And just for an added bonus, here is my fav VMA performance thus far in my life. I hope you all enjoy and please remember, Lil Wayne is in jail right now. All condolences can be sent straight to me, as I will soon become his assistant. First item on my agenda: Inform Lil Wayne I am his assistant. Whoopsie.

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