Ok so I know what I'm about to say is going to offend and upset some people, especially The Max (aka my father), but I believe that it has to be said. I'm over Taylor Swift. I'm sorry everyone but I just think her 60 seconds of fame are over. I understand that she is very talented and that she is young and is the "next big thang" but after a whole year of noms and awards she needs to go into hiding for a little while. Now don't get me wrong, I'll admit that I have a few of her songs on my iPod but for the past 6 months I have been hitting the next button everytime I hear that guitar. If I hear Our Song one more time I'm going to punch someone in the face.
Now I know you all are waiting to hear the real reasons why I don't like her. So here they are:
- She wear glitter to EVERYTHING. Now, I like glitter as much as the next 7-year-old but seriously, get a new style. The Fashion Police went crazy over her dress at the Grammy's and I'm sitting there thinking "It looks the same as every other dress she's worn except it's blue not off white." Move on Tay Tay.
- She only sings about boys. I'm a fan of boys and my friends and parents can tell you that. I've basically had a boyfriend for the last 8 years straight. However, when we break up I don't feel the need to write a song about them, I feel the need to delete them from facebook and spend $20 at dinner that night. Yes Taylor, we know Joe Jonas broke up with you over the phone in a 27 second call. Get. Over. It. He's a JoeBro, you automatically win because you're not dating one anymore.
- Her music is now considered mainstream. I don't know about you but when I turn on my radio to 102.7 I do not want to hear country music playing. I have other presets for that I don't need her singing to me when I'm in the mood for GaGa.
- Speaking of GaGa that brings me to my next reason. Will someone please explain to me how T. Swift beat Lady GaGa for album of the year?? To quote Kanye "I'm sorry Taylor, I'm really happy for you but GaGa had one of the best records of all time."
- She thinks she's already a legend in the making. How does she win album of the year when last year Robert Plant and Alison Krauss won? To quote my father "I imagine that all the angels in heaven have the voice of Alison Krauss." Taylor can't even sing live! How does she get to do CMT Crossroads with Def Leppard and a Grammy performance with Stevie Nicks?? Does she even know who these people are? No one is more versed in Classic Rock than me and that is because of my father. I highly doubt that Mr. Swift drove Taylor to school and got a lesson in KISS in the 8th grade. Ever heard of New York Groove Miss Swift? Yeah, I doubt it.
Listen all I'm saying is that Taylor has had her year. She took it away from Lady GaGa, Beyonce and especially the Britney bounce back of '09. She doesn't have the wow factor they do and let's face it, she's just boring. Spice it up a little Tay and then maybe I'll give you a chance. And no, I don't mean spice it up like use some crushed red pepper on your pizza and write a song about it. Sheesh.
You have enlightened me, and now I too am over Taylor Swift. For Realzzz!
ReplyDeleteBryan M.
Bahahahaha I love you Madison! Please blog about Hollywood until you are 102! Hahaha I will read it forever! (-: