So this semester I am taking an online creative writing class. I have never taken any course online and had honestly hoped not to, seeing as how I wouldn't be forced to stay on task. However, it has turned out to be going quite well if I do say so myself. Each week we are assigned a new poem or piece of writing and a few weeks ago we had to create a character sketch; an outline of a character we will base a story around later in the semester. When I was thinking about who to write about or base my character off of, my mind immediately went to celebrities (since they are who I know best). Then I realized that my friends are basically the most famous people I know. As I created my character, Olivia Wood, I noticed that toward the end I had morphed two people into one to create a super-celeb in if you will. I hope you enjoy reading about my character as much as I enjoyed creating her.
Olivia Wood is a senior in college who is debating what exactly to do with her life. She was always one to have everything planned out and never did anything that wasn’t scheduled in on her BlackBerry. Every day it was a different list of things to do, people to see, and places to be. She got her daily excitement from texting her friends, making plans, going on, and procrastinating. Liv, as her friends called her, was the perfect stereotype of a southern California girl even though she lived in the Midwest. Her tall, slender frame was the envy of every girl that walked by her and they all wished they could have the naturally blonde hair she did. She didn’t even have to try when she got dressed in the morning because everything she put on looked like she came straight from a GAP photo shoot. Liv was one of those girls that was effortlessly cool and didn’t need anyone to tell her otherwise. She wasn’t arrogant at all and didn’t care what anyone thought about her. Liv was Liv and if people didn’t like it they could bounce.
Olivia was her parents pride and joy. Youngest of four children she’d always tried to make herself stand out from her siblings. She was about 10 years younger than her oldest sibling and despite her parents claim that they “just wanted to make it an even four” she knew she was a little surprise to them. Her brothers and sister were grown, fully employed, and living on their own. The thought of deciding what she wanted to do with her life scared Liv to no end. She’d always thought she wanted to be an accounting major but the thought of sitting in an office all day everyday in business casual started to seem more suffocating each day. Wasn’t there a job where she could get paid to read US Weekly and Tweet all day long? The thought of changing her major 9 months before graduation had occurred more than once to Liv and had become a battle within her. Much worse than staying in college another two years was the thought of telling her parents. This wasn’t the plan, but maybe it was something that she needed to do for herself. After all, everyone always says it’s better late than never.
Stayed tuned....

ah yes I enjoyed this very much. Liv sounds like a hottie.