Anything you ever wanted to know about celebrities (in Hollywood or those I know) with my personal opinion on the matter. After all, everyone knows my opinion is the only one that counts.
About Me

- Madison
- Being a celebrity means having the advantage. That advantage is being known by those who do not know you. I strive for this every single day.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?
Over the last month many of the big name celeb couples have headed straight for single city despite the fact these were some of the couples that were thought to be the most solid in Hollywood. Here's the run down:
1. Courtney Cox & David Arquette: After 11 years of marriage, the couple split despite having 6-year-old daughter Coco. Apparently David was still too wild and crazy and didn't want to settle down. Obvi he wasn't aware that Court was the very best he was ever going to do.
2. Christina Aguilera & Jordan Bratman: The couple was married for five years and have a two year old son, Max. According to Christina, they were having trouble at home and she didn't want it to turn into something that would eventually harm Max. Apparently she was unaware that dating before her divorce was final will also have some harmful effects on her son. Mom of the year?
3. Eva Longoria & Tony Parker: The two were married for four years and in a surprise turn of events, rumors were and still are swirling around about Tony cheating with a teammates wife. Is he really unaware that he is married to EVA LONGORIA? Idiot.
4. Vanessa Hudgens & Zac Efron: While the two were never married, the High School Musical costars dated for five years. They split this week after a Thanksgiving trip to Hawaii to try to make it work. According to reports, the split was mutual and hope to remain friends. Yeah, that always works out.
5. Michael C. Hall & Jennifer Carpenter: The two started dating and then married on NYE of 2008. The divorce comes just shy of their two year wedding anniversary unfortunately. Their divorce is more complicated because they play siblings on the hit show Dexter which has just been piked up for a 6th season. Good luck with that.
6. Scarlett Johansson & Ryan Reynolds: People's Sexiest Man Alive and GQ's Babe of the Year split as of yesterday after two years of marriage. The two had been very private in their relationship so the split comes as a surprise. The couple was quoted saying "We entered our relationship with love and it's with love and kindness we leave it." Really? Because I was under the impression that love is why people stayed married. Intersting.
Well there you have it. The top Hollywood breakups just of the last month. There are countless breakups from the year but honestly these are the only ones people care about because they're the big names. So happy holidays ya'll. And look on the brightside, now everyone's favorite hotties are single again. Thank you Santa.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Turning a new (web)page
In the past weeks (or months) since I've posted a lot has been going on. I've gone through almost a whole semester of student teaching in the kindergarten and I have to say it has been the most amazing, life changing experience I've ever been through. It's so funny how 20 five-year-olds can drive you completely crazy one day and the next you just want to take them all home with you. I really believe that teaching is what I'm supposed to do and working with these kids has really shown me that. I have some great stories so if you want a good laugh, hit me up! It's amazing how these children have really changed my life. I only have 2 weeks left with them before I get my new placement and I can't even think about it without crying. They are awesome.
This past week was my Thanksgiving break-yes I got a whole week off due to my elementary school's calendar-and I got to enjoy some much needed time at home. I always work when I go home because my boss won't let me quit. I'm serious. I just come and go when I'm home and it has been so nice to pick up some extra cash before the holidays. Being home was a nice break from STW where I have been feeling a little trapped and cagey. I love this town but lately it's been sufficating me a bit. It was nice to go home and have a break from it all and spend some much needed time with my family.
Yesterday I spent my last football game as a student in section 329 with AH cheering on our Cowboys against OU. While we didn't win, I can't say I didn't have a blast screaming and highfiving with all the other students around me. It was a heartbreaking loss but I am proud to call myself a Cowboy.
I'm looking forward to the last month of 2010 with anticipation and excitement. I'll be better about posting and I'm putting my renewal check for Us Weekly in the mail tomorrow so sleep easy tonight knowing my life goal is to still work for E! News.
Peace, Tweets, and Christmas Treats.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Coke > LiLo

I have had many people ask me to comment on the Lindsay Lohan situation. This is what I have to say about that:
Lindsay Lohan is under people that change their profile pic everyday on my list of people I cannot stand. She needs to go to jail and stay there for longer than 3 weeks. Obvi rehab isn't working out for her so maybe the judge should get a real career and stop sentencing her to things that aren't working. SHE'S ADDICTED TO COKE. I don't think that's something you can go to rehab for and come out a month later never wanting to snort again. Now I've never personally done coke but as a human being that has a brain I would guess that it takes a little longer than 30 days to cut a drug problem out of your life. I thought she was going to turn her life around after she made that cameo with Chelsea on the VMA's but it turns out that she is still a loser. Sorry your lesbo gf Sam realized what a joke you are and left you in the dust (no pun intended). Stop dying your hair and being a crazy. Me and everyone else in the United States is over you. Thanks and see ya later.
Phew I feel better.

Sunday, September 5, 2010
My favorite time of year
Anywho every year I take it upon myself to personally pick who will win each category. Since I just started this blog 6 months ago I haven't had the opportunity to treat you all to my wisdom of who will win. However I'm turning over a new leaf and will be filling you in on who will be winning each cateogory. You're welcome.
This will be different than my usually blogging because I won't just who I want to win, but who will win. There is a difference. Every year I believe that someone else should have won certain categories but understand that all of America voted, not just me. So I have taken that into account. Keep that in mind when I disappoint you with my picks.
Welp, here we go...
Best New Artist: Justin Bieber ft. Ludacris-Baby
Best Collaboration: Lady Gaga ft. Beyonce-Telephone
Best Dance Music Video: Lady Gage-Bad Romance
Best Female Video: Katy Perry ft. Snoop Dogg-California Gurls
Best Hip Hop Video: Eminem-Not Afraid
Best Male Video: Drake-Find Your Love
Best Pop Video: Lady Gaga-Bad Romance
Best Rock Video: Florence + The Machine-Dog Days Are Over
Video of the Year: Lady Gaga ft. Beyonce-Telephone
Best Art Direction: Lady Gaga-Bad Romance
Best Coreography: Beyonce ft. Lady Gaga-Video Phone
Best Cinematography: Lady Gaga-Bad Romance
Best Direction: Eminem-Not Afraid
Best Editing: Rihanna-Rude Boy
Best Special Effects: Green Day-21st Century Breakdown
Breakthrough Video: The Black Keys-Tighten Up
Well there you go. Lady Gaga was nominated for a total of 13 awards which is more than anyone else in the history of the VMA's so I assume that she will need a small car to carry all of her moonmen out with her. But I fully support her and still feel as though she was robbed last year when Taylor Swift won best new artist.
For a list of all noms check out and judge for yourself. Peace, love, and free Weezy.
Friday, July 30, 2010
The end of an era
As I've been packing up my things and cleaning everything out, I've had a lot of time to think. It seems like yesterday that we were hauling everything up the 3 flights of stairs and going to wal mart twice a day and here we are all moved out. Crazy how time flies. So many wonderful things have happened here-birthday parties, kitchen talks, tv watching, boyfriends, dogs, you name it its happened. While we may not have been known for thowing raging parties until all hours of the night (that was apparently 1531's job) we were always here if you ever needed a quiet getaway from all your roommates. You could always come to the tranquil 2 bedroom. I have to say that I will def miss it. As much as I have hated climbing up and down those dang stairs day after day, I have truely loved this place.
Not only does this mark the last night in this apt, it also marks a time when its officially time for me to accept I am a 5th year and am starting a new chapter in my life. I had the pleasure of attending Amanda and Wes Geier's wedding last weekend and enjoy some time with all of my best friends. On the drive home I finally realized this is how it is going to be. Everyone has started the next phase of their life and I am so incredibly excited and proud of each of these girls and cannot wait to see where these roads take them. It's time. Time for life to happen. Am I ready? Nope. Do I accept it excitedly? Yes.
So ends an era. An era that I have been comfortable with for the past 4 years and it's time for me to accept what's happening and do the best I can. I have one goal for this next year: go to Cali, meet a celeb, and start working for E! asap. Doi.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
"Big crown I'm gonna win for my mama" -Teeghan

Well b's and g's it's time for my thoughts on a small little thing called pageants, specifically toddler pageants. As Hay and I sit here enjoying our evening full of corndogs, kum & go, and sytycd I realize it's time for my fav TLC show Toddlers & Tiaras. I feel as though I can admit it to you that this is my guilty pleasure. Being a pageant queen myself (Maple Leaf Queen '03 baby) I enjoy the thought of little girls getting all dressed up and being cute on stage. Well folks, if you think that's what this show is about, you are terribly wrong. Todd's & Ti's is more about the mother living vicariously through their young daughters because they're too old-and out of shape-to live out their own shelfish dream. It is just sick.
The first time you watch this show, you'll probably wonder what trailer park all of these families are living in, don't be fooled. That is just the "southern hospitality" that the judges are looking for. If these 1-4 year olds don't have an accent so thick you can't even tell what they're saying then they might as well have forgot their flippers (fake teeth worn by the contestants who are usually missing their baby teeth). Along with the flippers, these babies are expected to get spray tans, full makeup, and hair pieces. This is such a joke.
Another thing about these mothers is that they'd rather their family go in debt than for their children not have a glitz dress. As defined by a coach tonight, a glitz dress is anything with stones on it. Some of these dresses can cost up to $2,000. Are you serious?? That's more than my class this summer is costing my parents. What parent in their right mind would pay 2 grand for a dress PER DRESS and do 3-4 pageants a month. That's around $8,000 a month and that's just the dresses. That doesn't include makeup, tanning, hair extensions, shoes, accessories, the 3 other outfits they need for the show, as well as travel and entry costs. These children are 3 years old and their parents are spending most likely around $10,000 a month on them to do pageants. Seriously? I got my dress at JCPenny's for $20 and it had stones on it. Get it together moms.
I close with a convo actually heard on T & T's tonight:
Crazy mom: "Who's crown is it?"
Brainwashed daughter: "Yours!"
CM: "And who's gonna win it?"
BWD: "Me!"
CM: "You gotta win that crown for mommy because she wants it."
I have nothing else to say.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I just want my Cheerios
I first heard about Twilight a few years ago when youngsters everywhere started posting about it on FB. I figured it was the next Harry Potter craze and having gone through the phase back when I was in Elementary school, I assumed it was nothing for me to get excited about. Boy was I wrong. As I walked around campus over the next few weeks I started realizing that people my age were reading the books. Not only were they reading the books, they were talking about it, posting about it, and yes, even making shirts. I mean are we seriously picking teams on who we like better where our choices are a vampire and a werewolf? First of all neither of these things actually exist. I don't know if people realize this but there are no such things as vampires with diamond skin and hot guys that turn into werewolves. Phew, I needed to get that off my chest.
As things usually do, I figured that the craze would die down once everyone read all the books and moved on to thinking the toothfairy was real. Wrong again. There I was minding my own business when I hear the words I had been dreading..."The Twilight Saga will be made into a movie. Bella will be played my Kristen Stewart, Edward played by Rob Pattinson, and Jacob portrayed by Taylor Lautner." Oh geez. At this point no one really knew who any of these people were, including myself. If I would have known that K-Stew was actually the princess of darkness and R-Patz was a spitting image of the folk here on library lawn I would have moved out of the country. All you have to do to get a part in Hollywood these days is to awkwardly hold your body in a hunched over position, not wash your hair for weeks at a time, and act like you don't care that you're making a million bucks a movie about freaking vampires?? I can do that. Hire me.
Aside from hiring the worst actors of all time to play supernatural creatures, you can't walk in any store without seeing shirts, hats, sunglasses, posters, and shampoo (yes, I am serious) that have one of the vamp/wolf faces on them. I would just like to do my grocery shopping in peace and not have to see Kristen's dirty scowl next to my Yogurt Burst Cheerios. No, I would not like to buy body wash that makes my skin sparkle like vampire skin, but thanks for making me hate Wal-Mart even more than I already do. And also if I fangs I would, wait who am I kidding? I would never want fangs. But the people to make plastic fangs seem to think most of America wants them seeing as how there is a whole aisle devoted to vampire gear.
Thank you Twilight, for not only taking away from my shopping experience, but for also taking up at least half of my E! News coverage. I don't need a 15 minute update every night that covers the exact same thing you covered yesterday and will undoubtably be covering again tomorrow. Now, I have to honest and say that I attempted to watch the first movie and then got distracted and couldn't finish it. I have yet to see the second but assume I will need to rent it before i go see the third installment that comes out next week since I refused to read the books. I need to see what all the fuss is about. If the movie is really as good as everyone says it is, I will personally retract everything I have written today and apologize to everyone who is a Twihard. So impress me Eclipse, because otherwise I don't think I'll be able to go to Wal-Mart anymore. And I really love those Cheerios.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Blah blah blah
As some of you know, 6 of my best friends and I went to Gulf Shores, Alabama about a month ago and had a total blast. I mean it's really hard to beat waking up at 10 every morning, putting on a suit and literally stepping right onto the sand. The days consisted of sun and ocean and the nights consisted of too many quoteable moments to even count. Minus the 12+ hour car rides there and back (although we had the Swagger Wagon) it was an amazing time. I couldn't believe it was over and it was back to the real world after only a week.
Once back in Stillwater I proceeded to start my new job working for HES at OSU and helping with New Student Orientation. I'm also nannying the cutest little boy ever named Collier and loving it. I started my summer class last week and so far so good. I got the little girl I'm tutoring yesterday and am looking forward to working with her. Overall I can't complain.
My bff Hayley is also living with me this summer. After her and our other friends graduated I really wasn't looking forward to a summer alone in Stillwater, but then Hayley got the OK to stay a few more months. Hayley and I spent last summer together and while this summer is considerably less ridic I'm loving getting to spend a little bit of extra time with her. She's gotten me hooked on SYTYCD and is now the husband to my wife. The only complaint I have is that we can't get Kum & Go to deliver directly to our apartment. You'd think after going everyday they would comply to our every request. I need to talk to Harry about this.
I've also taken time this summer to catch up on some reading I've been wanting to do for awhile now but haven't had the chance to. I read both of Lauren Conrad's books-"LA Candy" and "Sweet Little Lies"-and I just finished Candance Bushnell's "The Carrie Diaries". It's still up for debate what I'll be reading next but I have some new options to choose from. I highly suggest all three of the books I've read so far if you want some mindless summer reads that will entertain you for the entire week it takes you to read each of them.
Well I think that's all the updates from my life for now. As for my next post I'm leaving it up to my readers to choose.
A.) Twilight mania
B.) Sandra Bullock
C.) Top summer songs
D.) could care less and wish I'd stop blogging altogether
Those are your vote so I can write!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
I really need to be better at this

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
One step closer

Friday, April 9, 2010
Liv and Gage
Liv and Gage had been together for awhile now and the fights had been happening more frequently lately. It was both of their senior years after all and seeing as though it was February, decisions needed to start happening. You see, Liv was from Oklahoma and Gage was from South Carolina. He had come to school because he wanted something different and Oklahoma seemed like just the place for that. The hadn’t wanted to face the reality that they were from totally different parts of the country but now that graduation was a mere 3 months away, reality seemed inevitable. It was never talked about, never mentioned, never dealt with…until last night.
After going to dinner together and heading back to her place, Gage had said the words that Liv was dreading hearing, “I think we should talk about what we’re going to do next year.” As soon as Gage said those words Liv had lost it. She loved him, she really did and she didn’t want to lose him. Walking back to her bedroom, trying to control the tears, Liv was a mess of confusion and mixed emotions. She had always planned on trying to find a job close and getting her feet on the ground before moving off somewhere. She didn’t necessarily want to live at home, but having her parents close by seemed like a good option at this point in her life especially because she still wasn’t entirely sure what she wanted to do. Gage was the same way, except for the fact that home for him was on the East Coast, not the Midwest.
The discussion had started at 9:00 pm with the fight starting promptly at 9:13 pm. Both Liv and Gage had tempers that battled each other, neither one wanting to back down. Gage was proposing the idea that she move out to South Carolina with him. She could easily get a job out there, get her own apartment, and start a new life for herself. And then, when the time was right, they would get married and start their new life together. While this all sounded good to her, Liv wasn’t sure she wanted to leave the comfort of a life she had known for 22 years behind. To her, this statement meant that she needed time to think and discuss this before making an actual decision. To Gage, this meant that she didn’t love him and wasn’t going to do it. The fight had gone on like this for three hours and finally Liv had just told him that if he wasn’t going to calm down and listen to her reasoning, he could just go. So, there she was in her kitchen at 8:39 on Monday morning. Alone and waiting for the coffee pot to fill.
What awoke Liv from reliving last night’s events more than the silence of the coffee finished brewing was the distant sound of her cell phone. Gage’s ringtone sounded through the house as she ran back to room to grab the phone before it went to voicemail. “Hello?” Liv said breathlessly as she pressed the green phone on her keyboard. “Liv I am so sorry. I hate that we fought and didn’t sleep at all last night. We’re going to work everything out. We have three months and more than two options to work with here. Please can we just forget that last night even happened?” Gage was good. He always did this. Pushing things that couldn’t be pushed away under the rug. More than anything she wanted to forget that last night happened but for how long could they just ignore the inevitable? “Sure babe, everything is fine. I overreacted and shouldn’t have. We’re fine though.” Liv knew things weren’t fine but more than making things fine she wanted them to have a good day and a good rest of the semester. They had to treasure every moment they had with each other and if that meant moving past discussions and decisions that needed to happen, then that was how it was going to be. “Have a good day today,” Liv said, “we’ll talk on my lunch break. I love you.” After they hung up, Liv finished getting ready for her long day she had ahead of her and walked out the door. The feeling in the pit of her stomach had not gone away though. And she had a feeling, it was going to be about three months before it did.
Monday, March 29, 2010
People annoy me
Now to my point, I have made it a habit about once a semester to go through my friends on facebook and delete the ones I either don't know, haven't talked to in over 6 months, and my most recent qualification: have stupid married stati. When I sit down to check my facebook, I find it a quite enjoyable moment in my life. As pathetic as it sounds I really do like knowing what's going on in people's lives. This is why I joined twitter and have a subscription to 3 mags. I believe that people put things on their profiles that they want everyone to know and if they didn't want the entire cyberworld to have access to it, they shouldn't put it on there to begin with. So as I sit down with my diet coke and pretzels for my afternoon creep session, I expect to see any excited news from my friends or those I have class with. Recently however, people have apparently been under the assumption that exciting news refers to what they will be cooking for their husband's dinner, or the diet he will be going on, or what they did until they went to bed at 9 on a Saturday night. Newsflash: no one cares, especially your single friends. In case you don't know exactly what I am talking about, here are some actual examples I've taken from my "friends" stati (names will not be given in case they have senestive feelers):
- ______ "is sooooo excited for her hubby to get home!! I made a tasty lasagna for us and it's his favorite food! Hurry home sweetie!!!"
- ______ "the husband is not excited to be on the new diet I planned out for him. He doesn't realize how it will benefit us both in the long run ;)"
- ______ "going to take the dogs for a walk! Gotta stay in shape for my man. I love him soooooo much and knows he loves me too!!!!!!"
*sidenote: why do all these people think that more punctuation = me being more excited for them? I feel like I'm getting screamed at geez.
You wanna know what happend as soon as I read these? Deleted. Sorry I'm not gonna let you ruin something I find pleasure in just because your husband is losing weight. Do you really think that I care? Please, make your status a quote, saying, how you did on your test, plans you have for the weekend, anything but what you're husbands bathroom habits are like. I don't even care what my bathroom habits are like so please spare me the details of your hubs. My new rule is that if I read a status that has anything stupid on it I delete it. I believe that since this rule has been put into play, I've lost about 26 friends. Oh, and here's a piece of advice: If you find that we aren't friends and we used to be, do not add me again! Are you kidding me? I deleted you because you are an idiot to begin so don't make the same mistake twice.
Now don't get me wrong, I am friends with plenty of happily married couples, two of which I mentioned in my last post. But these girls are very smart. I enjoy looking at their stati and it actually keeps me informed about what is going on in their life. Just today Erin posted pics from her wedding and I loved that she posted this for everyone to see. I only believe that defriendedness should be bestowed upon those who are stupid. Sorry if that hurts your feelings, and if it does, I probably already deleted you. Sorrrrrrrrrry.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
How to lose a guy in 10...weddings

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
A view from Liv
Time had been going by unbearably slow today and Liv couldn’t stand it anymore. “Please just get me out of here, I have so much to do,” she kept thinking over and over. With 30 minutes still left in class, she decided her time would be better spent making a list of all the things she had to do this afternoon. Liv loved a list and in fact had gotten a book about list making for Christmas and had luckily remembered to grab it off her shelf before she walked to campus that day. As she pulled her book out and grabbed a pen to get started on her list her phone vibrated. “Gosh just what I need right now,” she thought as she picked it up to see what who it was. “Will you be home after class? Need to talk. Bad day” was all it read. It was from her best friend Kate who had been having boy drama lately. While Liv cared for Kate more than anyone else sometimes she was a bit much to handle. It seemed as though the whole revolved around her and Liv sometimes got tired of her always having to be the mentor Kate needed. “Yeah stop by and I’ll make mac and cheese,” Live responded with a feeling in the pit of her stomach like something wasn’t right this time. She pushed the thought out of her mind and for the rest of class continued making her list of things to do.
Liv rushed home as soon as class was over to meet Kate who was already at her house. Since Liv shared a house with three other girls there was always someone there and they had an open door policy for any one of their friends. It was obvious that Kate had been crying all day and as Liv put water on to boil and opened two cans of Diet Coke, she turned to her, “Ok, so tell me everything.” As Kate began to explain the boy drama of the day, Liv couldn’t help but have her mind elsewhere. She really didn’t have time for this today and just wanted to get started on her list of things to do. You see, Liv had a boyfriend and he was the love of her life. They had met the year before after they both had attended a career fair. She had noticed him from across the room but didn’t think anything of it, she noticed guys all the time. The guys she attracted where never the type of guy she could actually see herself with. Sure, they were fun for awhile but after that she just moved on. But Gage was different. Every time her phone went off she got butterflies when she noticed it was him. When they would make plans she changed her outfit four times because even after a year, she still wanted to impress him. Gage was The One, she just hadn’t accepted it yet.
As she got deeper into her thoughts, she realized that someone was saying her name, “Liv, LIV! Are you listening?” Crap, she’d totally blocked out Kate as she had gotten used to doing these days. She didn’t have the energy to hear the story again so she told Kate “I’m sure everything will work out like it usually does. You always freak out over nothing.” She saw the hurt in Kate’s eyes as she said this. She knew that she had messed up this time. What had she missed while she was thinking about Gage. Think Olivia, think. What had Kate said to her? Then it hit her like a ton of bricks, “Oh, my gosh. Did you just tell me you think you’re pregnant?” And before Kate could respond they were both in tears at the kitchen table and Liv was wondering how in the world they were going to get through is.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Thank you Hayley!

Upon receiving this award- post it on your blog, pass it on to other bloggers and then post 7 random things about yourself. So B's and G's here you go:
- Gilmore Girls is my favorite show of all time. I plan on naming my first daughter Arora and calling her Rori for short. Dear furture daughter: I'm sorry. Love, Mom
- I caught my first bouquet at my little Erin's wedding last Sunday and it totally made my day. I plan on catching both Kali and Kelsey's when they get married someday.
- I get my sense of humor from my father. We count it as a blessing, the rest of the family is still trying to figure it out. Ex: I got him a pooping Santa for Christmas. Hayley was confused, my dad put it on his desk at work.
- I love nothing more than to hear a good song and sing it as loud as I can in the car...if for no other reason than to make the other people in the car laugh.
- As much as I hated moving to Chickasha 3 1/2 years ago, it is one of the best things my parents have done for my family. My brother and I have made some of our best friends here.
- I love when it snows.
- If given the choice between facebook and twitter...I would now choose twitter in a heartbeat. Thank you @hfwood for making me a twitter lover.
And just for an added bonus, here is my fav VMA performance thus far in my life. I hope you all enjoy and please remember, Lil Wayne is in jail right now. All condolences can be sent straight to me, as I will soon become his assistant. First item on my agenda: Inform Lil Wayne I am his assistant. Whoopsie.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Random thoughts
There are been many things I have thought about over the past few days that I've wanted to fill you in on; however, I don't feel as though I can fill a whole post up with them. So, I'm gonna give you a shapshot on what has been going on.
- Lil Wayne escapes jail...again. Apparently there was a small fire in the courtroom where his case was supposed to take place. Ironic that he escapes jail for the second time, although I can't say that I'm disappointed about that at all. Love you Weezy.
- Kate Gosselin joins that cast of DWTS as well as Pam Anderson. Idk where the employees that picked these people get hired but I'm pretty sure that I could do a better job. They also hired the gold medal figure skater (whose name I cannot remember, nor do I care to learn) and the head Pussycat Doll. Hmmmm wonder who will win.
- Not only do I not watch the Bachelor but I do not care who won. I honestly didn't even know it was the finale until that night and everyone's status was about it. At least with quality shows like Rock of Love and Shot at Love, it's supposed to fail. The bachelor acts like this is something that is really going to last and happen?? Come on, you are no better than the Vh1 shows and are way less fun.
- The '90s are coming back! I am personally so excited that I didn't get rid of my light wash jeans and my token jean jacket because get ready, it's back in style. Lucky for those who still wear scrunchies and clogs you stayed out of style long enough that it actually came back around.
- Scott Disick is still a loser.
- Chelsea Handler turned 35 last week! I love her to death but she def is aging fast. Some say it's her lifestyle but you would probably look older than you were if you grew up in New Jersey.
- Kim Kardashian comes out with her own iPhone app so her fans can keep up with her. Apparently a show titled Keeping Up with the Kardashians wasn't enough. Get over yourself. And ps-still no engagement for her.
- Mtv's True Life is coming back with all new docs. I am personally so excited and think these are some of the best things that Mtv comes out with. If we're lucky they'll have a whole day marathon leading up to the season premiere. Also look for Gossip Girl to start back on Monday the 8th for more omg moments.
Well kids, that was my Hollywood wrap up Madison style. Stay tuned th rest of the week for "Babies of Hollywood. From tots to teens shouldn't mean playpens to playboy." It's gonna be a winner and is a good excuse for me to holler at my girl Suri. Ttys b's and g's.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Young Love
First let me apologize for the past week without posts. It has been crazy busy here with school and I have literally been making lesson plans for hours. Anywho, between all of that I managed to make it home last weekend with Hayley. My brother had his state swim meet and I needed my roots done BAD. So off we went to good ol' Chickasha. Hayley had never been to a swim meet and really didn't know too much about it so I had prepped her on what to expect. The one thing I didn't warn her about was the amount of High School PDA she would see. First of all we sit behind this family who had all made shirts for their swimming. The back said Ft. Gibson Swimming Brandon's ____________. The blank was filled in with every family member's relationship with this Brandon character. Grandma, Dad, Mom etc. all the way down the line until we got to the end. "Girlfriend." I literally lol'ed when I saw this. Poor girl has no idea she is still gonna own that shirt whether that is true or not.
This got me thinking, why do we think every high school relationship is gonna last? Don't get me wrong in a lot of cases it does. My parents for example have been together since they were juniors in high school and are still happily married. But times have changed and the likelihood of you marrying your high school sweetheart is basically zero. I was amoung the many thousands of girls who date the same guy throughout high school and expect to stay together through college and get married. Bah ha. Newsflash girls: You will not marry this guy. Every single girl I saw last weekend looked like they had already picked out their china patterns and kitchen wall paper. I went to take pictures of my brother on the medal stand and there was a guy and girl embraced so tight I literally thought I would have to flag a lifegaurd down to resuscitate them. First of all, no one wants to see that. Second of all, you're gonna dump him as soon as you move to college and see your first Sigma Chi in his polo and sperry's. I read a book once that told me this "If you have a boyfriend right now you will not marry him. You think you will but you are wrong. You will like 3 times the amount of boys you have dated now so do the math." I did the math-15. My senior year of high school that book said I would date, like, or get the attention of 15 boys and I laughed. You wanna know what? Since my hs bf and I broke up, I have had 3 different bfs, talked to about 5, texted roughly 7 or so, and noticed countless others. The book I laughed at was right.
So why do I care this much about relationships of people I just noticed at a swim meet? Bc I was annoyed mostly. Those gfs were hanging on boys like they couldn't walk without them. Give me a break. To all those girls here is a timeline to go by: Graduate in May, have the best summer of your life with your bf, go to college, break up on fall break, get back together on Thanksgiving, and finally end things at Christmas. It's fool proof and happens more often than not mark my words. Enjoy being young and don't start looking at wedding colors until you've seen the boys on campus. Oh, and that Brandon kid? We saw him...he was about 6'2", 135, white, and had a mohawk. Brandon's Girlfriend-grab a pen and write this note down.
Dear Brandon,
We're done.
Love Always,
You're Ex-Girlfriend
PS My college bf is using that shirt to wash my car right now. Sorryboutcha.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Top 10 in 2010
2010 is in full swing and seeing as it's almost the end of February I figured it was about time that I give you the top 10 celebrities to be on the lookout for this year. Each year Hollywood dishes out some of the most outrageous, talented, crazy, beautiful people and they come in all forms and fashions (literally). Idk how but it seems like each year the people of tinseltown seem to outdo the previous years people. I'm here to give you the top 10 people/couples/things to watch out for in the upcoming 10 months that we have remaining. So basically 10 in the 10 of 2010. Whoah...
- Nicole Richie and Joel Madden: First of all, a congrats is in order for these two crazy love birds. After years of rumors and speculation, Joel finally popped the question and they are engaged! As pathetic as it is I always feel extremely happy when people like this get engaged even if they are famous because they are just supposed to be together. After Nicole ditched her bffl Paris "That's Hott" Hilton she got her act together and had two beautiful babies with Joel. Harlow Winter Kate Madden and James Sparrow Midnight Madden have not only rocked the baby world with they're kick butt names-props to mom and dad for giving them 2 middles-but they are at the top of the cute list. This couple is going straight to the top so Brangelina better watch their back.
- Drake: After being a student of Lil Wayne's, this rapper is finally hitting it big. With two major hits recently, both Best I Ever Had and Forever have hit the music charts majorly and he's blowing up in every club. He was apparently on Degrassi although I can't say I was ever a fan of the show. Mark my words this guy is going to take over in the next year and come out with hit after hit. You can guarantee I'll be at Joe's every week dancing to the beat of his beats. Sorry you're in jail Lil Wayne, you're throne could get taken over pretty soon.
- Lady GaGa: Ok, no surprise here but seriously I know that you all want to stay tuned to see what crazy thing she's going to do next just as much as I do. She never ceases to deliver shock and aw whether it's in her music or in her wardrobe. During awards season more than ever you notice her crazy style and ridic ways of expressing herself but she is not slowing down anytime soon. Each outfit is going to get crazier and crazier, with it coming a song that's a bigger and bigger hit. All I ask of her is that she never wears a muppit as an outfit ever again.
- T.I.: Yes, it's true folks T.I. is out of jail and has been since December 22. We haven't heard much from him but honestly did you expect to after he spent 7 months in prison? He's prob still getting used to showering alone and eating in the car again. My guess is that he's going to release an album at the beginning of the summer with all the tracks he worked on while he was locked up. I missed him while he was gone and am so ready for another hit from him. Be on the lookout.
- Sandra Bullock: This cougar is def on the prowl but I don't mean for men. She is happily married to Jesse James and they are presh together. Sandra went on a little bit of a dry spell in the movie department the last few years but in 2009 she had not one but two hit movies become number 1 at the box office. Her roles The Proposal and The Blindside both got her multiple nominations this awards season and I'm pulling for her at the Oscars. She is a talented actress and is def someone Hollywood should look out for.
- Heidi Montag: I'm sure most of you saw her lovely MJ-like plastic surgery cover of People. After she underwent 10 surgeries in one setting and being in hiding for 7 weeks she finally revealed herself to America. I have one word: Yikes. She has publically released statements saying that she is not done and she will be having more work done. Man, I can't wait to see what she does next. It's does make for some pretty hilarious Chelsea episodes though. And speaking of Chelsea...
- Chelsea Handler: Not only is this the most hilarious woman I have ever seen but she is actually a very talented writer as well. She already has two books-My Horizontal Life and Are You There Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea-and is releasing her third this spring. She begins her book tour for Chelsea Chelsea, Bang Bang next month and is actually incorporating her standup routine into it. I discovered Chels my freshman year of college and if anyone is responsible for screwing up my grades it's her.
- Tiger Woods: Cliche I know but hear me out on this one. After his huge sex addiction scandel and the Thanksgiving debacle of '09, Tiger is finally addressing the public for the first time this coming Friday. My guess is that he will not specifically address the mistresses or the aligations that he is addicted to sex, but he will apologize to his wife, children, and fans. This will then kick off his come back into golf and he will start kicking butt in no time.
- Bradley Cooper: This cutie has been in several movies with pretty minor roles until his big blockbuster debut in 2009's The Hangover. Now America can't get enough of The Coop and neither can I. With The Hangover 2 in the works I anticipate that we will be seeing a lot more of this guy and playing in a lot bigger roles than we've seen him in. This role probably kicked off his A-Lister career and he won't be slowing down in the next 10 months.
- Suri Cruise: Not only do Suri and I share a birthday but I also plan to adopt her when Katie finally goes crazy. I'll def have enough room even with the Gosselin 6 living with me so don't worry about that. This little diva has been turning heads since she arrived almost 4 years and it always at the top of every single best dressed tot list. I mean she's wearing high heels and carrying starbucks around town like she owns the place. Even as I type this, Chelsea just showed a picture of her and she is now a round table topic. Get it girl.
Well kids there you go. Agree or disagree I am right. I successfully called the winner of Rock of Love all three years, the Rihanna/Chris Brown relationship, and B. Spears' comeback of 2009. my 10 in 10 of 2010 is the future. So sit back and enjoy!
Monday, February 15, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010
How much is too much?

Thursday, February 11, 2010
What happened to the 8?
Now I'm sure many of you are wondering who's side I am on, but I'm not going to tell you yet. You'll have to wait and see. I tuned in every week to watch the last season that Jon and Kate would be filming their show on TLC together. It was so very sad that they were filming on different couches and that their children were left wondering what happened. Cara and Mady are the oldest set of multiples and let's just say that they are, well, awful. They both need attitude adjustments and I might act like Kate too if they were my kids. The youngest set of multiples consists of Aaden, Alexis, Collin, Joel, Hannah, and Leah and they are just cute as can be. One of my favorite episodes is when they are all at the dinner table and Leah is screaming that she is the most Asian out of all of them. It is hilar.
Now back to the adults. I don't know how many of you keep up with these two crazies but they seriously off their rocker. Jon seems to think that he is the rep of Ed Hardy Inc. and is friends with Michael Lohan?? Now idk about you, but if I was friends with someone who's daughter acted like LiLo let alone was her, I'd get outta there before he corrupted all of my children. And Kate, well I just don't know what to say about her anymore. I had just gotten used to her waterfall in the front, fireworks in the back 'do when she goes and gets extensions. She confessed to a magazine that she "hated her hair after Mady and Cara made fun of it saying they thought it looked stupid." Well it did. So then she went to a shorter, chic look as E! News reported. It looks better but it still looks bad. I kept wondering why she did it then I saw it yesterday. Kate is releasing a new book and she is on the cover of it with her new hair. It all makes more sense now. Geez.
So am I on Jon's side or Kate's side? Neither. I am not a fan of the 8, rather the 6. Mady and Cara don't count so I'm with the sextuplits. My roommate Amanda and I have more than enough room for them to come live with us, plus we'll feed them non-organic food. They'll love Stillwater. I already have six littel OSU jersey's with their names on them waiting at Chris' to be picked up after work today. Hey 6, can you say "Go Pokes?"
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Free Weezy

- Got Money-Lil Wayne & T-Pain: This is my favorite song of all time. It is great to dance to and it never EVER gets old. Ask anyone that knows me and they will tell you that once I here that snare the dancefloor better beware.
- Give It Up To Me-Shakira ft. Lil Wayne: Great combo of Latin and rap with some Bollywood thrown in there for fun.
- Forever-Drake, Kanye, Lil Wayne & Eminem: Probably the best combo of the year (I'll even give credit to Kanye). They had a sick performance at the Grammy's this year and def give props to Drake who you all should look out for in the upcoming year.
- Turnin Me On-Keri Hilson & Lil Wayne: Great solo by Weezy. If you're talented like me you can learn it all and impress your friends.
- I Can Transform Ya-Chris Brown ft. Lil Wayne & Swizz Beatz: I realize that by putting a Chris Brown song on the list I will probably be hated by some you as well as all of America from now on. I'm fine with that because this song is sick and he's bouncing back bowtie and all. However, know that I do not approve of what he did, I just think he is a talented artist. This is a discussion for another day though...back to Weezy.
- Let it Rock-Kevin Rudolf & Lil Wayne: No one had ever heard of Kevin until this song came out. It was just a little taste of the rock that Young Money would bring to us later
- Sweetest Girl (Dollar Bill)-Wyclef Jean ft. Lil Wayne & Akon: This song always makes me feel good and is another one that I am a crowd pleaser when it comes to singing all the words. Pay attention to Akon's part for my fav line: "A capricorn is everyday strugglin' "
- Lollipop-Lil Wayne While this song takes insinuation to the next level I put it as the final song on my list because this is the song that made me turn up my radio and recognize the man that is Wayne.
Now if this ever reaches the eyes of Weezy himself I have a few collaboration suggestions: Lil Wayne, T.I. (considering he's out of jail at the same time), T-Pain, Drake and Justin Timberlake with back up vocals by Lil Jon. How sick would that be? Omg I can't even think about how many weeks that would be at #1 on the billboards. Also, Lady GaGa and Lil Wayne. Again this would be beyond magical. So if you're listening somewhere out there, please Lil Wayne, all I ask is that you come up with some great music while you're doing your time. Be on your best behavior so you get out early. And if anyone gives you trouble, you can transform them from human to a Carter. Holler.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Inspired by...
Olivia was her parents pride and joy. Youngest of four children she’d always tried to make herself stand out from her siblings. She was about 10 years younger than her oldest sibling and despite her parents claim that they “just wanted to make it an even four” she knew she was a little surprise to them. Her brothers and sister were grown, fully employed, and living on their own. The thought of deciding what she wanted to do with her life scared Liv to no end. She’d always thought she wanted to be an accounting major but the thought of sitting in an office all day everyday in business casual started to seem more suffocating each day. Wasn’t there a job where she could get paid to read US Weekly and Tweet all day long? The thought of changing her major 9 months before graduation had occurred more than once to Liv and had become a battle within her. Much worse than staying in college another two years was the thought of telling her parents. This wasn’t the plan, but maybe it was something that she needed to do for herself. After all, everyone always says it’s better late than never.

Friday, February 5, 2010
I apologize in advance

Ok so I know what I'm about to say is going to offend and upset some people, especially The Max (aka my father), but I believe that it has to be said. I'm over Taylor Swift. I'm sorry everyone but I just think her 60 seconds of fame are over. I understand that she is very talented and that she is young and is the "next big thang" but after a whole year of noms and awards she needs to go into hiding for a little while. Now don't get me wrong, I'll admit that I have a few of her songs on my iPod but for the past 6 months I have been hitting the next button everytime I hear that guitar. If I hear Our Song one more time I'm going to punch someone in the face.
Now I know you all are waiting to hear the real reasons why I don't like her. So here they are:
- She wear glitter to EVERYTHING. Now, I like glitter as much as the next 7-year-old but seriously, get a new style. The Fashion Police went crazy over her dress at the Grammy's and I'm sitting there thinking "It looks the same as every other dress she's worn except it's blue not off white." Move on Tay Tay.
- She only sings about boys. I'm a fan of boys and my friends and parents can tell you that. I've basically had a boyfriend for the last 8 years straight. However, when we break up I don't feel the need to write a song about them, I feel the need to delete them from facebook and spend $20 at dinner that night. Yes Taylor, we know Joe Jonas broke up with you over the phone in a 27 second call. Get. Over. It. He's a JoeBro, you automatically win because you're not dating one anymore.
- Her music is now considered mainstream. I don't know about you but when I turn on my radio to 102.7 I do not want to hear country music playing. I have other presets for that I don't need her singing to me when I'm in the mood for GaGa.
- Speaking of GaGa that brings me to my next reason. Will someone please explain to me how T. Swift beat Lady GaGa for album of the year?? To quote Kanye "I'm sorry Taylor, I'm really happy for you but GaGa had one of the best records of all time."
- She thinks she's already a legend in the making. How does she win album of the year when last year Robert Plant and Alison Krauss won? To quote my father "I imagine that all the angels in heaven have the voice of Alison Krauss." Taylor can't even sing live! How does she get to do CMT Crossroads with Def Leppard and a Grammy performance with Stevie Nicks?? Does she even know who these people are? No one is more versed in Classic Rock than me and that is because of my father. I highly doubt that Mr. Swift drove Taylor to school and got a lesson in KISS in the 8th grade. Ever heard of New York Groove Miss Swift? Yeah, I doubt it.
Listen all I'm saying is that Taylor has had her year. She took it away from Lady GaGa, Beyonce and especially the Britney bounce back of '09. She doesn't have the wow factor they do and let's face it, she's just boring. Spice it up a little Tay and then maybe I'll give you a chance. And no, I don't mean spice it up like use some crushed red pepper on your pizza and write a song about it. Sheesh.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Who are you cheering for?

As most of you know, Super Bowl 44 is coming up on Sunday. Personally I am not a huge NFL fan and usually don't even know who is playing until it comes on tv that night. However, this year is a little different. While I was checking out E! online, I noticed a headline was "Kim vs. Kendra" and as I continued to read I realized this is an epic year for pro football. Kendra Wilkinson's husband Hank Baskett got traded to the Indianapolis Colts this season and Kim Kardashian is currently on-again with New Orleans Saints player Reggie Bush. Usually I could care less about who wins and just go to the Super Bowl parties for the chips and dip but not this year. I will be picking my team for the first time. Now, I just have to decide who to pick. Being the list maker that I am I decided to compare the two girls and then diplomatically decide on a team.
First up is Kim. While her mom Kris runs her life and for some reason, both her and her grown sisters and brother insist on living within a mile of each other, she seems to be getting her life together. Yes, it's true that she did get married at 19 and divorced 3 years later and yes, she did make a sex tape with Ray J, she does seem to be back on the right track. She apparently has a lying problem and insists on using that whinny voice of hers all the time but hey, she's hot. I think we can all agree on that.
Then there's Kendra. Best known for dating Playboy founder Hugh Hefner at 19 and for the next 4 years, Kendra became an E! phenom overnight. She decided to break up with Hef and move out to marry now husband Hank. After getting engaged Kendra found out she was pregnant and they had a wedding a baby all within a year. I still can't watch her show because I can't stand to listen to that laugh of hers but Kendra has definitely matured from her first day out of the mansion when she couldn't even open a can of soup.
So here we go. Drumroll pick for Super Bowl 44 is Kendra. I can get over her laugh as long as she has cute little Hank IV in her arms. This is nothing against Kim or the Saints in general because honestly I know nothing about football. My bff Hayley just dropped my office at work and said she's cheering for the saints because her friend dances for them, so obvi it doesn't take much to persuade us. Word of advice to my girl Kim K-don't mess it up with Reggie again. And if you decide to fire your crazy mom again, call me.